Coolest Tech at glasstec 2018 – Trends to Watch for in 2019
The rate at which technology is advancing is at a speed unlike any other time in history. In the glass industry, there is plenty to learn about the trends taking place and glasstec will have an amazing showcase of companies displaying their latest technological advancements. In this article, we are going to talk with you about the coolest tech to watch out for when you visit glasstec 2019.
1. Smart PPE
PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) is an important topic, and many companies put thousands upon thousands of dollars into keeping their employees safe with the use of PPE. The problem often is that the PPE does not function as well as intended. The recent and upcoming advancements in technology are going to help bridge the gap in the protection needed and the protection that is provided. One of the advancements that will be taking PPE by storm is that of wearables.

Wearable technology is on the rise in PPE because of its ability to improve safety management, long-term cost savings and the increase in productivity. The more accidents that are prevented, the more money the companies save, the better they look to the public, and the better overall business performance is.
As wearable devices become more mainstream, it only makes sense for wearables to make their way into PPE and worksite clothing. Smartwatches and fitness trackers are a normal sight now with many people keeping track of their movement, location, heart rate and how they are sleeping. Being able to use this same technology in wearables for PPE will help provide data that can then be used to improve performance and safety.
Many companies are already investing large sums of cash into wearable PPE. Some companies have already put AI into place with cloud computing to monitor key safety and health indicators. As more companies take steps to put these technologies in place, others will follow in their footsteps until it becomes the norm.
2. Low-E Glass
Since glass is extremely versatile, it provides thermal regulation and light conduction through the surface. Low-E glass allows for comfort and energy savings on different levels depending on the type of glass that is being used.
There are quite a few benefits when it comes to the use of low-E glass, but here are some of the main ones you should pay attention to:
- Furnishing protection – Low-E glass blocks ultraviolet light which allows for protection of your furnishings. UV light causes fading and deterioration of furniture, wall covering and any fabrics in which it comes in contact. Even though the light is kept from damaging your furniture, it is still able to come through and light your room beautifully.
- The durability of the windows is improved.
- You save money on energy.
People are leaning more toward low-E glass as it continues to be developed and improved upon.

3. Smart Glass
Smart glass is becoming more popular, and in the not too distant future, it will be commonplace. Application for smart glass includes residential, commercial, noise reduction, security and more. Smart glass makes life easier by reducing the amount of work it takes to turn a private space into an open and welcoming enclosure.
4. Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is what the current trend of data exchange and automation is known by within manufacturing technologies. This term includes cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, the Internet of things, and cognitive computing.
While the glass industry has a reputation of being very traditional and risk-averse, there is much to benefit from with industry 4.0. More people are becoming open to the progression even with the complexity around the industrial processes in the glass industry.
5. Ultra-thin Glass
Ultra-thin glass with the flexibility of plastic and the durability of steel is coming. Glass like Gorilla glass and Willow glass is already impressive, but the advancements that will take place as time moves forward will overshadow the current technology that is available.
6. Flexible & Stretchable Glass
While the common thought about glass is that it is able to be scratched and broken easily, there is much more to glass than meets the eye. There are many different ways to use glass, and now flexible and stretchable glass is making way for some amazing new developments.
The bendable ultra-thin glass is going to allow for such things are folding tablets that can fit in your pocket like a wallet. Things we have only dreamed about being able to do ten years ago are happening right at this very moment.
While handheld devices are lighter than they’ve been in the past, they can still be improved upon. The flexible, stretchable glass is very light and will increase ease of use. Besides the fact that it will be easy to carry because it is not heavy and you can bend it unlike previous versions of handheld devices, it will also be unbreakable. Imagine a cell phone that is not prone to breaking, and you can already see the line of customers waiting outside.
Final Thoughts
The latest trends that will be displayed at glasstec in 2019 will look like something that came out of a sci-fi movie, and no one in the industry should miss these developments. Seeing what is possible with glass will enable further innovation with many different companies in the industry seeing an opportunity for collaboration.
Attending glasstec will allow you to not only see the coolest tech advancements, but you may get ideas for ways your company will be able to perform better in the market. Many times you will be able to find future business partners for projects that you could not move forward on your own.
In this article, we have shared some of the coolest tech trends to watch out for at glasstec in 2019. This is just the beginning, and more trends will emerge before the event takes place. Ensuring that you are up on the latest trends will allow you to remain or become an industry leader.